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One of the most addicting little games I've come across.

I had a pretty good time with this one, short level speedruns are my jam.

After spending two days on this, I think I'm done though, so here's a quick video for my times, why not.

Those times are insane!

Really great game! The player movement is smooth, and the recharge of the jet upon collecting gems is definitely a unique gimmick! Got top 10 in all "3" levels :)

So cute!!

Yay, I got top ten on all three stages! :)

Really outstanding job, controls feel great! Love the music in all three levels!

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There are not only three.

had really funnn !!

Dam, If I was A publisher Id love to Work with you. Amazing 

pretty fun, i really like the jump mechanic, although id like for the movement to be more precise for a game like this, it takes way too long to deaccelerate when you stop moving so you slide around a lot. Still had quite a bit of fun chasing better spots on the leaderboards though!

I wish the last level had a leaderboard, but i got an 8:19 :)

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Shrek has finally been defeated in every stage (that has a leaderboard). I can now rest. For now.

Also, my pb on the hidden level is now 6:78, with an attached image if bothers loading it :3

Any chance you'll be posting a download for this? 🤩

Ohh, thanks for reminding me! On it right now!




Would love to port this to Linux🤩


AMAZING!!! I'm addicted! It is So good. Awesome work man! :)))


So good to hear! Thanks for playing, those are some good times!